Recto (1): copy of a the right hand figure on the platfrom from Carpaccio's 'The Return of the Ambassadors to the King of England'. Recto (2): copy of the central foreground figure from Carpaccio's 'The Return of the Ambassadors to the King of England'. Verso (1): copy of the foreground figure second from the right at the centre of Carpaccio's 'The Return of the Ambassadors to the King of England'. (Lauts pl. 36). Verso (2): copy of the figure at the right foreground holding St. Ursulas hand, from Carpaccio's 'St. Ursula and the Prince Taking Leave of Their Parents'. (Lauts, pl. 26). Originally mounted in an album (No. 1084), from which leaf 1 was not illustrated and leaf 2 was missing.